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As a family-run business we pride ourselves on our customer centric approach and supportive customer journey. We are committed to delivering excellence in everything we do, which is underpinned by our personal service. As part of our values, we are not only determined to give back to communities we operate within, but also to support worthy causes on an international level.

We’re on a mission of giving to make a difference, imagine changing lives everyday just by partnering together! For every new client that partners with us we provide a choice of high impact causes from around the world to choose who we donate to.

Our top supported impacts are zero hunger and clean water and sanitation, things that even amongst the increasing food prices which has affected 47% of countries many of us take for granted. About 1 in 10 people worldwide are suffering from hunger; we probably see more than 10 people a day just by commuting to work and going about our daily lives, so statistically one of those people we see, or meet are suffering from hunger. And it’s documented that in 2020 nearly 1 in 3 people lack regular access to adequate food which in modern day with so many surpluses of food is an abomination.

The current conflicts, Covid-19, climate change and growing inequalities are converging to undermine food security worldwide, but just through serving our clients and supporting B1G1 worth causes we are creating life changing impacts, which is something that our clients agree is a fantastic thing to do.


“As far as the global initiatives giving, first, I think it’s awesome that you do this! We would love to give to any of these causes.”  Tori Palmer from Shapiro+Raj

As part of our VisionsLive journey we donate to a cause at the end of every project, clients choose from a selection of high impact causes a project that they are passionate about, like projects that support good health and well-being like giving a child blindness prevention to emergency relief for refugees in Ukraine and projects to end hunger like to reduce carbon emission by eliminating food waste.

They will also receive a certificate for the cause that they have chosen for us to support and are able to celebrate the special moments of the giving journey with us. And we ensure that 100% of the charitable donation is passed onto the projects you choose to donate to.

We are passionate about making a difference in the world, Covid-19 has threatened decades of progress in global health and infected more that 500 million people worldwide, it has disrupted essential health services in 92% of countries. Choosing to partner with us means everything we do makes a difference, every time you undertake a research project something special happens in the world!

Why not partner with us today, be part of transforming lives every day and a real force for good! Contact the team at or contact sales and start your VisionsLive Journey.

*The sustainable development goals report 2022:

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